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December 2015


Identifying Information from Data Using an Organizational Goals Ontology: A Case of the Australian Economy

Tengku Adil Tengku Izhar and Torab Torabi


Organizational data is important to assist domain experts and entrepreneurs for decision-making process in relation to the organizational goals. The trustworthiness of organizational data in relation to achieving the organizational goals is often questioned because of the vast amount of organizational data. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate organizational data that relates to the organizational goals. This refers to the importance of assisting the organization to utilize relevance of organizational data from the vast amount of datasets for decision-making in relation to the organizational goals. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the level of the organizational goals achievement. In order to achieve this aim, we identify the dependency relationship between organizational data and organizational goals. Based on this dependency relationship, we define a metrics to analyse organizational data to be considered relevant to the organizational goals achievement. The case study is present to test the applicability of the methodology to measure the level of the Australian economy. The results show the dependency relationship between the case study goal and its variables. The contribution of this paper will serve as a new approach in evaluating the level of the organizational goals achievement.



The Challenges of Strengthening Islamic Librarianship: Retrospect History to Shape the Future

Mohammad Fazli Baharuddin and Shaharom TM Sulaiman  


This article briefly browses through the role of Islamic librarianship based on the history of the Islamic scholarship tradition which saw the emergence of the idea of Islamic librarianship as the discussion focus of this article. There are librarianship scenarios in the Muslim world discussed briefly, initiatives that have been taken towards the idea of Islamic librarianship and the challenges to make it a reality.



Assessing Digital Library Effectiveness of Selected Iranian Universities

Ismail Samadi and Mohamad Noorman Masrek


Given that digital libraries (DL) have been implemented in most Iranian universities and academic higher learning institutions, knowledge regarding users’ usage behaviour is still very limited. Not much is really known about the extent users; especially students exploit the DL for the purpose of enhancing their performance and productivity. Similarly, little is really known about the factors that shape Iranian students’ DL usage behavior from users’ lenses. To this effect, this study is aimed to investigate the usage behavior of users in a DL environment in selected Iranian universities. In addition, it is also aimed at investigating the determinants of DL usage behavior. The study used the survey research methodology and questionnaire as the tool for collecting data.  A total of 750 valid responses was analyzed to test the developed hypotheses and the findings suggest that information quality, systems quality and service quality are significant predictor of DL usage. In addition, DL usage was found to have significant impact on personal sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and talks productivity.  The contribution of the study can viewed from both theoretical and practical perspectives. From the theoretical viewpoint, it has developed an empirical based framework depicting the determinants and impacts of DL use. From the practical viewpoint, the developed instrument can be used to gauge the performance of the DL.



Usability Assessment of Web Digital Library: A Survey Among Undergraduate Students

Mohamad Noorman Masrek and Asad Khan


Recognizing the significance of the usage construct as one of the aspect of usability assessment of the digital library (DL), this study further extends past studies by integrating this construct into commonly used criteria, namely, satisfaction, learnability, effectiveness, and efficiency. Building upon these constructs, an interrelationship model was developed and tested empirically using a survey research methodology. The learnability, effectiveness, and efficiency construct were hypothesized as significant predictors of usage and satisfaction. In addition, the usage construct was also hypothesized as a significant predictor of satisfaction. Data were collected from 320 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Information Management (FIM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Puncak Perdana. The results of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis showed all postulated hypotheses were fully supported. The contribution of the study can be assessed from the theoretical and practical perspectives. The established model can be further validated in other DL implementation while the validated instrument can be used by practitioner to gauge the usability of the DL.



Information Literacy in Research Process Among Malaysian Teacher Trainees: Expectation and Inspiration of the Ministry of Education

Siri Sena Baba Hamid, Wan Ab Kadir Wan Dolah and Fuziah Mohd Nadzar


The research investigates Information Literacy (IL) competencies in ‘Seeking Skills’ involving accessing, evaluating and applying appropriate information that is coherent to the 21st century teacher trainees’ research requirements. The case study is designed as a qualitative exploratory, descriptive and explanatory survey that consist of a questionnaire survey on study population; and two face-to-face interviews with document analysis of theses from fourteen purposive samples taken from five northern states campuses. The study triangulates findings from questionnaire, in-depth interviews and document analysis to invoke trustworthiness by integrating quantitative and qualitative instruments to control bias. The findings signify a look back into the Malaysian Teacher Standards for realizing the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015-2025. The study had found several factors lacking in the IL competencies that hindered the trainees’ research process in meeting expectations of the blueprint.


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