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June 2016


Examining The Relationship Between Social Capital And Self Efficacy: A Study Amongst Postgraduate Students

Fadzilah Hussin and Asad Khan


Inspired by the scarcity of studies on social capital and its effect on self-efficacy among postgraduate students, a study was conducted to fill this gap. An empirical based framework connecting social capital and self efficacy was developed and tested using data obtained using survey research method. A total of 121 respondents participated in the study, and the results indicate that social capital, dimensionalized into six constructs, namely a sense of belonging, shared language, trust, networks, norm of reciprocity and shared vision, is found to have a significant relationship with self efficacy. Further analysis showed that shared language, trust and shared vision are the significant predictors of self-efficacy. The findings further signify the contribution of social capital in increasing the level of self-efficacy in the context of students in Higher Education Institutions (HEI).



Recent Develoment On Library Space And The Satisfaction Of Academic Library Users Need

Nur Aina Aliaa Ahmad Latfi


This paper aims to discuss on the previous and current study of the library space in the academic library. To make sure the reader fully understand about the topic, information regarding the academic library and library space are been discussed in details. Furthermore, in this article information regarding the history of library space also are been available for the users to get some knowledge on the development of library space in the academic library. Besides that, there is a section where the reader can know about what are the factors that contribute to the need of library space in the academic library. Knowing about the factors which is the reducing number of gate count and circulation activities the academic library have shift and change the traditional function of library that storing material to the need of providing various space in supporting the process of effective learning and teaching environment. Having the various spaces by fully understanding the need of user will attract the user’s attention in the use of library. Additional information regarding the importance of library space in academic library also have been stated in order to make reader especially the librarian become aware on the effective library design by knowing the space that are required to be available in the library. If the library have consider all the need of their users this indirectly can tackle the issues that been arise in the academic libraries.



Job Design and Knowledge Productivity among Administrative and Diplomatic Officers (PTD)

Nur Izzati Yusof, Mohamad Noorman Masrek and Siti Arpah Noordin


Knowledge productivity, the central theme of this thesis, brings on new challenges in managing the knowledge workers in the 21st century. This thesis was embarked with the purpose to understand the relationship between the job design and knowledge productivity among Administrative and Diplomatic Officers (PTD). The PTD has been regarded as a premier knowledge worker in the Malaysian government. They primarily acts as a think tank in assisting the government in formulating and maintaining the public policies portfolios. In accordance with the rapid transformations in the age of information, the PTD is required to have knowledge and competencies to face the increasing responsibilities and upcoming challenges. Thus, it is the responsibility of the Malaysian Federal Ministries in overseeing the productivity of their knowledge workers. However, as a consequence of the transition towards the knowledge economy, most organizations including the public sectors are dumbfounded on understanding the drivers of productivity. The traditional factors for workers’ productivity such as rewards and incomes have lost its significance. Organizations clearly do not understand on the concept of knowledge productivity and how to make the knowledge more productive for the benefits of their workers and organizational improvements. Accordingly, based on the literature studies, the researcher found that there is lack of studies with regards to knowledge productivity in the context of Malaysia’s public sectors. This has created a big gaps on how to harness the knowledge of the civil servants, particularly the PTD to become more productive. Identifying the factors that influence the PTD’s knowledge productivity could facilitate the public sectors in enhancing their knowledge workers’ competency and innovation. This study employs a quantitative research approach involving 305 PTDs working in 21 Malaysian Federal Ministries in Putrajaya. Preliminary studies were conducted to gain better understanding on the perceptions of knowledge productivity in the public sectors, followed by a survey to validate the developed conceptual framework and testing the formulated hypotheses. Job design characteristics namely task, knowledge, social and work context characteristics were hypnotized to be significantly related to knowledge productivity measured in terms of knowledge creation process and innovation. The statistical analyses findings revealed that all the formulated hypotheses were well-supported. Hence, the Malaysia’s public sectors need to design the jobs of the PTDs more fittingly as it could harness their knowledge activities to be more productive and this leads to ideas in innovating the public services and processes.


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